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Showing posts from July, 2010

Adding users to sudoers file in linux operating systems

Let us say we need to add the users to the sudoers file in linux to run some commands with special root privileges to avoid seeing error such as "user is not in sudoers file. The incident will be reported " . We need to follow below steps: Login as root. Run visudo command , this opens /etc/sudoers file. Search for the line  # % wheel  ALL=(ALL)  ALL. Uncomment the line by deleting #. Save the file. Now run command as a root, "usermod -aG wheel logout from root session. Now if the user 'xyz' belongs to the group 'wheel' then the user "xyz" can run privileged commands with sudo access. If you want to give sudo access to specific user then add the following line in /etc/sudoers file by using visudo command xyz   ALL=(ALL)  ALL