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Showing posts from 2015

How to Disable System Integrity Protection(SIP) or rootless mode in OS X El Capitan.

System Integrity Protection  or Rootless mode is a security feature of OS X El Capitan operating system  by Apple Inc. It protects certain system processes, file and folders from being modified or tampered with by other processes even when executed by the root user or by a user with root privileges(sudo). Following are the  the key concepts of System Integrity Protection. 1. System Locations Cannot Be Written To  -  System files can be modified only by system processes signed with Apple’s code signing identity. App processes should instead write to locations designated for third-party developers. The following directories can only be written to by the system:  System-Only Locations      ● /bin      ● /sbin      ● /usr      ● /System  In contrast, the following directories are available to any process:  Locations Available to Developers    ...

How to change the default font in Outlook for Mac 2016 on OS X.

It very easy to change the font style in outlook for Mac 2016 on OS X. Follow below steps to change the default font. Open "Outlook"  application on Mac. Open Preferences of Outlook       3. Click on Fonts to change the default font settings for the outlook.            4. Select the desired font to set as default font.      5. Close the preferences window.      6. Click on New Email, Now your default font would set to the newly configured font style.

plutil - a very usefull command line tool on mac to edit encoded plist files

plutil - is a very useful tool to decode and encode the plist files on OSX system. The tool can be used decode the plist file to human readable format in Terminal which would help user to edit the plist files in terminal using vim or nano etc. plutil -convert xml1 [path_to_the_plist_file] The above command will decode the plist file to a readable xml format in command line. plutil -convert binary1 [path_to_the_plist_file] The above command can be used encode back the file to original binary format from command line.

How to add tab completion in Apple OS X

Tab completion in Linux is a very useful feature. On OS X the tab completion can be enabled as well. The tab completion can be enabled on OS X by adding few lines to .inputrc file. Method: Open Go to your home directory such as  /Users/user. Open vim to create .inputrc file in home directory by running following command. vim .inputrc Add following lines to the file set completion-ignore-case on set show-all-if-ambiguous on TAB: menu-complete Save the file using "esc + :wq" in vim. Now open another tab to see the changes to tab completion in bash shell.

Why and how we can bypass restricted paid WiFi's at public places such as airports, etc ?

            We might be wondering some times on how to bypass the restricted paid wifi in public places to access particular URL . To bypass some poorly configured WiFi's just append (without the double quotes)   " ?.jpg  " to end of your URL string. This should work in many instances where generally blocker is configured let images through.  Appending ?.jpg to the URL makes the blocker think that the URL is an image. On the other hand, anything after the ? doesn't change the actual webpage requested, it only changes the GET headers. (so and give the same page). Note that if there already is a query string in the URL (something after a question mark), then you must use &.jpg instead of ?.jpg , as only the first question mark is considered for making a query string HTH

How to erase Filevault encrypted volume in case system fails to boot or you just want to format disk and re-install OSX on the system.

             There might be situation with FileVault where the OSX might not be booting normally or sometimes OS X does not allows you to erase or turnoff the encryption ( Performed using Disk available with OS X installer ). This can be a problem with FileVault 2-encrypted volume which will not let you either unlock or decrypt it. In such cases the following method will help you in deleting the core storage( FileVault encrypted) volumes on the system. To perform this : Connect the OS X installer USB/Disk to Mac. Power on the Mac. Hold option key on keyboard and boot into OS X Installer. Open the from Utilities in OS X installer application. Run the following command to get the details about the FileVault encrypted volume.            diskutil cs list           This will show detailed information about the core storage volume available on the syste...

How to hide or show hidden folders in OS X

We can easily hide or show a hidden a folder in Mac OS X by using following command.  To hide folder in finder : 1. Launch from /Applications/Utilities  2. Run command " chflags hidden path-to-folder " The above command will make the target directory hidden in Finder application. To show hidden folder in finder : 1. Launch from /Applications/Utilities  2. Run command " chflags nohidden path-to-folder " The above command will make the target directory visible in Finder application.

How to reset password in single user mode in Mac OS X

To change the user password in Leopard(10.5.x) or SnowLeopard (10.6.x) Hold "Command + S" key on your mac keyboard to boot your mac into single user mode. Execute command "mount -uw /" in shell. Run below command " launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/" Execute command :  passwd change the password of root.

How to find a specific file belongs to which RPM or DPKG package on linux systems.

         On Linux systems ( RPM or Debian), We would often require to find out to which package the target file belongs on the system. This can be found by using following set of commands on the system. On RPM based systems :           When we execute the rpm -qf command to find out which package the file belongs ( as shown in the example below) rpm -qf /etc/protocols   setup-2.8.14-20.el6_4.1.noarch The /etc/protocols file belongs to package "setup-2.8.14-20.el6_4.1.noarch" on SLES 11 Sp3. On Debian based systems :          When we execute the dpkg -S  command to find out which package the file belongs ( as shown in the example below) #dpkg -S /etc/protocols netbase: /etc/protocols The /etc/protocols file belongs to package "netbase"  in ubuntu 14.04/ We can also use the below metho...