How to erase Filevault encrypted volume in case system fails to boot or you just want to format disk and re-install OSX on the system.
There might be situation with FileVault where the OSX might not be booting normally or sometimes OS X does not allows you to erase or turnoff the encryption ( Performed using Disk available with OS X installer ). This can be a problem with FileVault 2-encrypted volume which will not let you either unlock or decrypt it. In such cases the following method will help you in deleting the core storage( FileVault encrypted) volumes on the system. To perform this : Connect the OS X installer USB/Disk to Mac. Power on the Mac. Hold option key on keyboard and boot into OS X Installer. Open the from Utilities in OS X installer application. Run the following command to get the details about the FileVault encrypted volume. diskutil cs list This will show detailed information about the core storage volume available on the syste...