Mounting nfs share on Mac
Through The Finder
Accessing an NFS share with the Mac OS X Finder is simple. Select Go -> Connect to Server... in the Finder. In the Address box, enter the location of the NFS share as follows nfs:// servername /path/to/share. So if your server's name is taco and the share is /exports/media, you would use the address nfs://taco/exports/media. The Finder will then access the share and mount it on your desktop. An important note here is that the Finder uses an unprivileged port to do this, which may not work with some NFS server configurations.
Through The Mount Command
To use the mount command to mount a share, open the Terminal application. Enter the command sudo /bin/mount_nfs servername: /path/to/share _/private/mnt/point_, replacing the italicized sections with the necessary values. This command will also use an unprivileged port by default, but you can force a privileged port with the -P switch.
Using the automount Daemon
For more permanent mounts, you'll want to configure the automount daemon to handle mounting NFS automatically. On Mac OS X, automount uses NetInfo? to acquire its mounts and parameters. Below are the commands to use to create the necessary data in NetInfo? . As always, replace the values below with those appropriate of your NFS server.
% sudo niutil -create . /mounts
% sudo niutil -create . /mounts/temp
% sudo niutil -createprop . /mounts/temp type 'nfs'
% sudo niutil -createprop . /mounts/temp dir ' _/private/mnt/point_ '
% sudo niutil -createprop . /mounts/temp opts ''
% sudo niutil -createprop . /mounts/temp name ' _servername:/path/to/share_ '
Once you complete these commands, you must signal the automount daemon that a change has occurred. To do this, enter the command
sudo killall -HUP automount.
This configuration also uses an unprivileged port by default. To use a privileged port instead, issue the command
sudo nicl . create /mounts/ servername:\\/ path \\/ to \\/share opts "-P".
Note that the path is escaped using two backslashes preceding each forward slash. Remember to HUP automount after any changes.
Note :
You might face problem in not able to mount the NFS shares exported from a linux box sometimes this is due to mac trying to mount the share through random port. If you want fix this problem then open the /etc/exports file on the linux server where you have exported the nfs share and add " insecure " key to the share config. as below
/mynfs-share *(rw,no_root_squash,sync,insecure,no_subtree_check)
Then try mounting the nfs share again on your mac. This time it should munt successfully.
Through The Finder
Accessing an NFS share with the Mac OS X Finder is simple. Select Go -> Connect to Server... in the Finder. In the Address box, enter the location of the NFS share as follows nfs:// servername /path/to/share. So if your server's name is taco and the share is /exports/media, you would use the address nfs://taco/exports/media. The Finder will then access the share and mount it on your desktop. An important note here is that the Finder uses an unprivileged port to do this, which may not work with some NFS server configurations.
Through The Mount Command
To use the mount command to mount a share, open the Terminal application. Enter the command sudo /bin/mount_nfs servername: /path/to/share _/private/mnt/point_, replacing the italicized sections with the necessary values. This command will also use an unprivileged port by default, but you can force a privileged port with the -P switch.
Using the automount Daemon
For more permanent mounts, you'll want to configure the automount daemon to handle mounting NFS automatically. On Mac OS X, automount uses NetInfo? to acquire its mounts and parameters. Below are the commands to use to create the necessary data in NetInfo? . As always, replace the values below with those appropriate of your NFS server.
% sudo niutil -create . /mounts
% sudo niutil -create . /mounts/temp
% sudo niutil -createprop . /mounts/temp type 'nfs'
% sudo niutil -createprop . /mounts/temp dir ' _/private/mnt/point_ '
% sudo niutil -createprop . /mounts/temp opts ''
% sudo niutil -createprop . /mounts/temp name ' _servername:/path/to/share_ '
Once you complete these commands, you must signal the automount daemon that a change has occurred. To do this, enter the command
sudo killall -HUP automount.
This configuration also uses an unprivileged port by default. To use a privileged port instead, issue the command
sudo nicl . create /mounts/ servername:\\/ path \\/ to \\/share opts "-P".
Note that the path is escaped using two backslashes preceding each forward slash. Remember to HUP automount after any changes.
Note :
You might face problem in not able to mount the NFS shares exported from a linux box sometimes this is due to mac trying to mount the share through random port. If you want fix this problem then open the /etc/exports file on the linux server where you have exported the nfs share and add " insecure " key to the share config. as below
/mynfs-share *(rw,no_root_squash,sync,insecure,no_subtree_check)
Then try mounting the nfs share again on your mac. This time it should munt successfully.
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